RabbitLoader Vs WP Rocket

RabbitLoader Vs WP Rocket: Which Is The Winner?

Do you want to optimize your WordPress site’s speed? Can’t decide which to use? Our detailed comparison of RabbitLoader vs WP Rocket includes our best recommendation & winner.

Let us help you decide.

We’ve tested both plugins to measure the results we got for the test sites. So does WP Rocket surely stand where its popularity is? Or does RabbitLoader exceed it when it comes to price and performance?

These are all questions you’ll get answers to in this article. Stay with us as we dive into both WP Rocket and RabbitLoader to see which is the best option for your site.

Let’s get started.

WP Rocket Overview

WP Rocket has become the industry standard caching plugin for bloggers and site owners. It’s an all-in-one web performance solution for your sites to get high speed and optimize them for Core Web Vitals.

Performance report of wp rocket

WP Rocket is easy to configure and starts working on your site the instant you activate it. Get incredible Google PageSpeed Insights scores from the get-go thanks to WP Rocket.

The plugin uses cutting-edge technology to give your sites the speed and performance you want.

Some of the features include browser caching, page caching, GZIP compression, and some more advanced features like removing unused CSS, delaying JavaScript execution, minification, and LazyLoad.

RabbitLoader Overview

Performance report of RabbitLoader

RabbitLoader has one goal for your site — getting your PageSpeed to 100. That is, without checking the network quality, geography, device used, or browser technologies. So no matter the condition of your visitors, RabbitLoader can optimize your site for the best speed.

RabbitLoader can boost your PageSpeed Insight scores and overall Core Web Vitals metrics thanks to its brilliant page optimization algorithm. And the best part? It needs no configuration.

With one click setup, RabbitLoader can give your WordPress and WooCommerce sites blazing fast speed thanks to its all-in-one optimization stack.

Quick Comparison between WP Rocket and RabbitLoader

Before we move to the details, let’s have a look at the key differences between the two tools at a glance.

FeatureWP RocketRabbitLoader
Page CachingYesYes
Browser CachingYesYes
Cache PreloadingYesYes
Lazy LoadingYesYes
Database OptimizationYesNo
Free PlanNoYes
PricingStarts from $49/year(1 Website)Starts from $7.49/month(Annual Plan)
Lifetime PlanNoYes(Via Appsumo)

RabbitLoader Vs WP Rocket: Core Features Comparison

Now that you have some idea of what to expect from both WP Rocket and RabbitLoader, let’s have a detailed breakdown of the best features the two offer and how they stand against each other.

Caching and Page Speed Improvement

Caching can make your site super fast because your visitors don’t need to wait for every file to load every time. This is why we use caching plugins to boost our site speed and SEO.

WP Rocket boosts your site speed by creating static HTML files so that future visitors can access them easily. Thanks to its browser caching, WP Rocket enables the browser to store files that are commonly used but hardly get updated in the local cache memory.

WP Rocket cache tab

Anytime you make changes to your site pages, it preloads that cache for your visitors so that they don’t have to wait.

Some resources are accessed more than others on your site. WP Rocket stores such resources as images, CSS, and JS code in the device’s local memory.

It also has a sitemap-based cache preloading option that enables you to detect and preload sitemaps that other WordPress plugins generate.

RabbitLoader uses modern technologies to cache your website’s assets.

It compresses the web content and delivers them via a group of servers throughout the regions. This allows it to deliver content such as images, CSS, JS, and font files to visitors from the server closest to them. You can also decide whether to cache or not cache URL patterns.

RabbitLoader wp backend

RabbitLoader boosts your site’s loading speed by prioritizing the above-the-fold content. Your visitors get to see the critical resources before they start scrolling down.

It doesn’t compromise security for the sake of speed though. Since SSL handshaking often takes time, that’s why it tries to reduce the hops and reduces latency. It does this by delivering content from the nearest location.

It seems both tools have their unique ways to handle page speed and boost it. However, when it comes to overall features to tackle slow loading, WP Rocket does a better job.

Winner: WP Rocket


CDN stands for Content Delivery Network. CDNs deliver web content to visitors from nearby servers so that they can experience faster page loading time.

WP Rocket and RabbitLoader both offer premium CDNs. Now let’s see which one is actually better for your site.

WP Rocket lets you integrate a CDN into its dashboard in case you’re already using one. It only takes a few clicks to do so.

It also has its own custom CDN called RocketCDN. RocketCDN makes it possible for your visitors to get access to content quickly thanks to it reducing latency, round trip time, and saving bandwidth.

RocketCDN offers Unlimited bandwidth, SSL Traffic, and all global PoPs. CDN files are delivered over HTTPS automatically. Besides, it works with StackPath, a reputed cloud computing company well-known for its high-performance CDN.

However, all these features do come with a cost. RocketCDN costs $7.99/month.

RabbitLoader has an integrated CDN. With 300+ edge locations worldwide, so it doesn’t hold back offering a top-notch CDN solution that can 10x lower your latency.

Its CDN cache saves a version of your website and loads it when someone in the same geography visits it. This also saves your hosting resources.

If you decide to update your site such as changing the theme or editing a post, RabbitLoader’s CDN network automatically detects it without you interfering. Now your visitors can see the new content immediately.

Both tools offer premium CDN features but RabbitLoader has the edge here as they already have the CDN integrated.

Winner: RabbitLoader

Other Features Compression

WP Rocket and RabbitLoader use different compression algorithms. WP Rocket uses the traditional GZIP compression while RabbitLoader uses Brotli compression.

Compression is used on text files to make loading a website faster. GZIP is a widely-used all-purpose compression library. It was primarily intended to be used on files.

Whereas, Brotli is a modern compression algorithm developed by Google. It was intended to be used on streams, hence making it a better option than GZIP for web servers.

In many benchmarks done by companies, Brotli outperforms GZIP in compressing files better.

Winner: RabbitLoader


Lastly, let’s talk about the purchase-after support of both companies.

WP Rocket boasts world-class customer support, having a happiness score of 92% of 2300+ ratings.

Rocketeers live in different regions and different time zones which makes it possible to get back to you in the shortest period.

Whereas, RabbitLoader falls short in customer support. Their users are very dissatisfied with their support, which ironically, is close to non-existent. No to mention that they will only ask you to wait and never come back later.

Winner: WP Rocket

You can read NitroPack Vs WP Rocket Comparison: Which Is The Best

Final Verdict

We’ve seen a detailed comparison of both caching tools. Both do a great job at boosting your site speed and have happy customers. However, there has to be one winner in this head-to-head fight.

If you’re looking for an easy configuration plugin with tremendous customer support, then WP Rocket will be the best choice for you. And this is our recommendation as well.

RabbitLoader has a lot of potential. But it’s still new in the market and lacks in many aspects such as bugs and lowering your site’s performance if something goes wrong. And you will hardly receive any help from their support.

However, RabbitLoader does have a free forever plan you can explore. If you don’t mind playing around with it on your site, you can opt for the free plan and upgrade later if you’re happy. You can also look into their lifetime deal via Appsumo.

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  • Palash Talukder

    Palash Talukdar is a digital marketer & the founder of WP Basic Pro. He has been building and managing WordPress websites for 5+ years. He loves to write about WordPress, SEO, marketing, productivity, and web performance.

    https://bd.linkedin.com/in/palashpro [email protected] Talukder Palash
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